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Digestive Problems That Qualify for Disability Benefits

Almost everyone will experience digestive problems of one kind or another at some point in their lives, but, qualifying for disability benefits for digestive problems is another matter altogether. The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Blue Book outlines the various digestive disorders and conditions that may qualify for disability benefits.

For any medical condition to be eligible for Social Security disability benefits, it must last or be expected to last for at least 12 months. Additionally, the condition must prevent you from working full time.

​Digestive System Conditions That May Qualify for Disability

The digestive system is closely linked to a wide variety of systems within our bodies. Hundreds, perhaps species of bacteria live inside our guts and help with everything from digestion to our mental health.

By recognizing the scope of digestive diseases, it’s easy to see how they can be disabling. It also makes it easy to understand why those who suffer from these diseases deserve disability benefits. But to qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you need to provide medical evidence of your condition.

​Gastrointestinal Hemorrhaging Requiring Transfusion

If you suffer from a condition of the digestive tract that results in gastrointestinal hemorrhaging, you may qualify for disability benefits. Hemorrhaging may occur from the esophageal, gastric, or ectopic varices.

X-rays, endoscopes, and other imaging technologies can be used as evidence of the hemorrhage. However, you typically need to be hospitalized and undergo a transfusion for this condition to qualify for disability benefits.

​Chronic Liver Disease

Gastrointestinal hemorrhaging is often caused by chronic liver disease. Thus, the above requirements can be applied to this disorder as well. The disease can also cause ascites or hydrothorax, characterized by fluid accumulating in the peritoneal cavity. Both of these conditions result in abdominal swelling.

If these symptoms cannot be attributed to other causes and persist despite treatment, they may qualify you for disability benefits. The conditions must be present during two or more evaluations at least 60 days apart. Serum albumin levels of 3.0 g/dL or less are one of few objective measurements you can use to prove your case.

Eventually, chronic liver disease may make it necessary to undergo a liver transplant. If you undergo such a transplant, you will qualify for social security disability benefits for a minimum of one year beginning on the day of surgery. After a year, the SSA will reevaluate your residual impairment.

​Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the two most common types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). These conditions can result in persistent diarrhea, fever, intestinal bleeding, weight loss, and abdominal cramps.

Obstructions of the stenotic areas of the small intestine are common with these diseases. Undergoing surgery for this symptom on two separate occasions may qualify you for disability benefits. However, the two surgeries must be at least 60 days apart from one another and within a 6-month period.

​Getting Help

If you’ve thought of applying for Social Security disability benefits for digestive problems, we can help. With a Knoxville Social Security disability lawyer in your corner, you have the best chance at a successful claim. Our firm brings more than a century of experience to every case. As a result, we know exactly what the SSA needs to see to award disability benefits to those in need.

Give us a call today at (865) 205-8582 to schedule your free case evaluation.

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