Obtain Social Security Disability Benefits
When you’re unable to work due to a long-term illness or injury, it’s important to know the government can assist you. You may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). These two programs provide financial assistance to disabled individuals who are unable to work.
If you need a Social Security attorney in Kingsport, TN, Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC is here to help. We understand how difficult it can be to file a disability claim with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and achieve a successful outcome. This is why we’re eager to provide our services to those who are struggling.
Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation. We’ll help you get the disability benefits you deserve.
Why Work with an Experienced Disability Lawyer in Kingsport, TN
Filing for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits is an extensive process. Proper documentation must be gathered, including medical records and other evidence to support your case.
The SSA maintains strict guidelines to prevent fraudulent claims. This means many qualifying individuals are denied benefits due to filing mistakes or lack of evidence.
You can improve your chances of a successful outcome by working with one of our experienced attorneys at Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC. Our disability lawyers in Kingsport, TN understand every step of the application process. We also know what type of evidence the SSA needs to approve your claim.
When you work with our lawyers, we’ll gather all the necessary documentation. We’ll ensure your initial application is filed properly and all deadlines are met so you get the best chance for a successful outcome.
Applying for Benefits | SSI vs SSDI
Who Qualifies for SSI?
Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is a disability program funded by the United States Treasury. It’s designed to provide financial support to blind, aged, and disabled individuals with limited income and resources.
SSI is awarded to beneficiaries who are unable to qualify for SSDI due to a limited work history.
Who Qualifies for SSDI?
Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, is awarded to individuals who are no longer able to work after becoming medically disabled. SSDI is funded by payroll taxes.
Claimants must have a substantial work history to qualify for SSDI. This means they have paid into the Social Security System. They must also have worked long enough and recently enough to have acquired sufficient work credits.
Eligibility Based on Work Credits
Work credits are measured based on how recently and long you have worked. SSDI claimants must meet a recent work test and duration work test before receiving benefits. The number of work credits you need to qualify for SSDI is based on your age.
For example, in most cases, claimants aged 31 or older need to have earned at least 20 credits in the 10 years before they became disabled.
How Do You Know if You Qualify for Benefits?
An attorney experienced in Social Security and Disability Law in Kingsport, TN can help determine whether you qualify for benefits. If you’re disabled and unable to perform Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) because of your disability, it’s important to file a claim as quickly as possible.
The Definition of Disability
Determining eligibility for disability benefits involves assessing the impairment level experienced by the claimant. A claimant must have a medically diagnosable condition that prevents them from earning a living wage. Relevant and substantial medical evidence is required to support this claim. This may include previous and current treatment plans and results, test and lab results, physicians’ notes, and other medical records.
A claimant’s impairment must also satisfy the following conditions to fall under the SSA’s definition of disability:
- Your disability must prevent you from taking part in Substantial Gainful Activity.
- Your disability must have lasted or be expected to last at least 12 months, or result in death.
- Your disability must prevent you from doing any type of work you previously performed and any new type of work (for SSDI claimants).
- Your disability must be a qualifying impairment that is listed in the SSA’s Blue Book, or equal a listed impairment in severity.
If you’re struggling to apply for disability benefits, reach out to our qualified disability attorneys in Kingsport, TN today.
When Will You Receive Benefits?
Several factors are taken into consideration when determining when an SSI or SSDI beneficiary will start receiving benefits.
For SSDI, benefits typically begin after a 5 month waiting period from the onset date of the disability. This onset date is determined by the SSA based on provided medical records and the application date.
For SSI, there is no waiting period and benefits may start from the month following the application date.
In both SSI and SSDI cases, the actual start date of benefits can be influenced by how long it takes to process the application.
Get the Benefits You Deserve | Social Security in Kingsport, TN
If you’re unable to work, it can be frustrating to wonder how you’ll make ends meet. Filing for Social Security Disability can be a long, drawn out process.
When you work with a Social Security Disability attorney in Kingsport, TN from our firm, we simplify things for you. It’s our goal to get you the benefits you deserve as quickly as possible so you can have peace of mind and focus on your health.
Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation if you’re seeking Social Security Disability in Kingsport, TN. With over 100 years of combined experience, you can depend on Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC.