The Law Office of Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC The Law Office of Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC

Musculoskeletal Conditions

Which Conditions Qualify?

Qualifying musculoskeletal conditions are listed in Section 1.00 of the Social Security Administration’s Listing of Impairments (‘the Blue Book’). By the SSA’s definition, a qualified applicant has experienced a loss of function that affects their ability to ‘ambulate,’ or sustain a reasonable walking pace over a sufficient distance. The applicant must provide medical evidence regarding their condition and the impact of treatment.

Musculoskeletal Conditions That Qualify for Disability

There is a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions which can qualify a person for disability benefits. Qualifying conditions can result from hereditary, congenital, or acquired pathologic processes. During the application process, the applicant will designate which condition(s) they are applying under and present medical evidence of their symptoms.

  • Major dysfunction of the joints
    Those who experience an anatomical joint deformity coupled with pain or stiffness can apply under the joint dysfunction listing. Someone who is unable to ambulate effectively or perform the movements necessary for daily functions is likely to qualify for benefits.
  • Disorders of the spine
    Most people will experience back or neck pain at least once in their lifetime; for some, the pain and/or loss of function is disabling. Common disorders which can qualify a person for disability benefits include spinal stenosis, spinal arachnoiditis, facet arthritis, and vertebral fracture.
  • Amputation
    Not all who experience an amputation qualify for disability benefits. The SSA is likely to award benefits to an applicant who is unable to fully ambulate; this means that amputees who make use of prosthetic limbs may not qualify. The loss of both hands automatically qualifies a person.
  • Fracture of an extremity or a soft tissue injury
    A person who has experienced a significant fracture in their arms or legs and/or has suffered soft tissue damage may qualify for benefits during recovery. Minimum requirements are that functionality was not restored (or is not expected to be restored) within 12 months of onset.
  • Reconstructive surgery or surgical arthrodesis
    Those who have undergone an intensive surgery on a weight-bearing joint, such as the hip or ankle, may be unable to ambulate effectively. This condition can qualify a person for disability benefits short-term (through recovery) or long-term (if the condition is not expected to improve).

Is Your Condition Missing From the Blue Book?

You may still qualify for benefits if you don’t see your condition listed in the Blue Book. The Blue Book only lists the most common or severe conditions which can qualify a person. Eligible applicants may suffer from a combination or lesser conditions or an equivalent condition. Our disability lawyers in Knoxville, TN can help you understand which listing applies to you.

Call Our Disability Lawyers in Knoxville, TN

Gathering paperwork and answering the questions of an Administrative Law Judge can feel like a significant burden on those applying for Social Security disability benefits. As compassionate disability lawyers in Knoxville, TN, we’re prepared to stand by your side and help you file your application. Contact our law office to schedule a free consultation.

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